Oh. My. God. A-? Mrs. Cleary, you have got to be kidding. Who the hell...gets...an A-? I'd rather have a B+ for crying out loud. Do you expect me to receive this paper like a jolly old saint nick? No! How can I show this to my mother? She'll have a heart attack! (pause) A-. I'll never get a decent job. You-you-you ruined my life! You had this plot against me all along, didn't you? Didn't you? You were jealous when the teachers wanted to hang around me for my intelligence and not you. They told me that your were a selfish loner but I never listened to them. You were jealous when Glenn Coco gave out candy canes to his favorite teachers and you got squat. He told me you're weird and scary. You were jealous when Ms. Fordhorn won teacher of the year and she's only been teaching for one year. She thinks you're a scrawny old lady who's got only one string of life. Lady who has nothing left and needs to retire before you turn into dust. And don't get me started about that-Mrs. Cleary stop interrupting me when I'm on rampage, it's very ru-no, stop telling me that I have the wrong test! I don't want to hear about it! What I want to know is why do I have an A-? I worked really hard...wait. Did you say I have to wrong test? Oh, yeah. It says 'Doris Donnis' on the name line. Ohhhkay. And this is mines, with a grade of an A+. (pause; bowing head) Your Grace, I can explain. You know how when people get mad they start saying things that are NOT TRUE? Yeah well...I have to get to class.