New York City’s Best Comedy Showcase The Industry Room is a comedy show that offers comedians the opportunity for industry exposure and professional development. Each show is attended by the main club booker of the Broadway Comedy Club as well as the club’s New Talent Director. After the show, the club booker will give you personal, one-on-one feedback on your set. Each show is also attended by a respected Manager, Agent or Casting Director. One comic from each show is selected for a 1-2 month residency at Broadway Comedy Club. Our residency is an intensive program, whereby Comic Residents receive multiple spots so that they can quickly accelerate their professional growth and development. Some of the other comics on the show will receive one-week residencies. You will perform on the club’s World Famous Richard Pryor Main Stage. You will also get a free recording of your set. Please note: This is not an open mic—this is a real show in-front of a packed New York City audience.