A Song about the Office of National Statistics

A Song about the Office of National Statistics

(3m)   by k.r.johnson

Comedy Monologues   (10810 Views 0 Comments)

Tune: We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried Line.
Acknowledgements to Michael Carr and Jimmy Kennedy.

Once I got a first class math-e-matics degree,
Then I was on the dole.
Now I'm back at work and in the right job for me,
I invent the figures that they read on TV!

I've joined the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
Where I work things out and often get them wrong,
It's where they pay me to make up all the vital facts,
As I blithely go along. 
Tell me the figures should be big or small
And I'll tell you what you want to hear,
I'm in the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
And the answer's crystal clear. 

I'm at the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
Is your manifesto costed through and through?
Do you wonder who's leading the opinion polls?
'Cause I haven't got a clue.
All these improvements in the way you live
Are supposed to raise your self esteem,
I'm in the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
Where I fall asleep and dream. 

Downstairs in the basement there's a hardworking clerk,
Oh, what a rigmarole,
Guess how many citizens are looking for work,
Scribbling it on paper while he's going berserk,

I'm at the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
Will your pension be enough to stay alive?
Have we paid back the debt or just the deficit?
And how many beans make five?
Is the exchange rate going to rise or fall?
Tell me, how long is a piece of string?
And then you take away the number that you first thought of,
Yes, we know that sort of thing.

I'm at the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
I decide on what goes up and what comes down,
I just pluck all the numbers out of empty air
'Cause the abacus broke down,
When people ask me what the future holds
I can cast the runes and draw a graph,
I'm in the Of-fice of National Stati-sti-tics,
And I have a damned good laugh. 

Ken Johnson

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

You may use this song freely in any way you want, but if you use it, please tell me. If you make money by using my work, I want a share. This song celebrates the ludicrous abuse of statistics and surveys with which the forthcoming election in the UK is synonymous.

Copyright Statement


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3m Comedy Monologues - A Song about the Office of National Statistics