The Waiter & The Customer

The Waiter & The Customer

(1.5m)   by captainmo

Comedy Skits   (321708 Views 95 Comments)

Waiter: Hi welcome, we like to make sure our customer is satisied here at TGI-

Customer: yeah that's fine and dandy but I don't care. Can I get a coke?

Waiter: oh is pepsi okay?

Customer: You know what I’ll just get a burger.

Waiter: ribs okay?

Customer: Just tell me where the restroom is

Waiter: Is bathroom okay?

Customer: Whatever just tell me where it is

Waiter: Okay you are going to take a left and the bathroom is on the right, unless you are sitting on the left side then the mens room is on the LEFT and the bathroom is on the right

Customer: let me speak to your manager

Waiter: Supervisor okay?

Supervisor: Is there a problem sir?

Customer: Yes this waiter has really been anoying me

waiter: Is pestering okay

Customer: See he won’t give me what I want

Waiter: Is what you need okay

Customer: See?

Supervisor: I can’t see but I have examined your perspective

Customer: I have been completely unsatisfied

Supervisor: That is unacceptable, here at T.G.I Tuesday-

Customer: Wait I thought this was TGI Friday’s

Supervisor: Oh no we are their spin off TGI Tuesdays

Customer: okay I’ll just go to olive garden

Waiter: Is sizzler okay?

Customer: you know what yes it is okay

Waiter: Oh sorry it’s closed

Customer: (screams) I can’t take it anymore, I can’t have coke I have to have pepsi, I can’t have a burger I have to have ribs, I can’t use the bathroom I have to use the men’s room, I can’t even talk to the manager I have to settle for a supervisor?

Supervisor: hey I’m right here

Customer: I don’t care anymore I just want to eat, I’m going to mcdonalds

Waiter: is burger king okay

Customer: NO!!!!!!

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:
Permission for use:
Permission not required

Author's Message

It IS okay to put this script into a video, all you need to do is give proper credit to Morgan Fisher and Jay Gutierrez Also sorry if there are any mistakes in the script i usually write these late at night and don't proofread a lot.

Copyright Statement




Submitted by discount supplements (not verified) on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 18:18
Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.
Submitted by Ishita (not verified) on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 07:50
It's funny and to good. I like it . Irritating waiter is so nice by this waiter this gossip has rocked up
Submitted by Jeffcrtra on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 02:55
You know what I found funny about it? I was once in a place like that! not quite like it but very very close. I felt identified, ja ja ja. Good job dude!
Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 22:42
its Osum... wonderful thinking...keep it up
Submitted by Bieber4ev3r (not verified) on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 01:38
This ish hillarious!!! i luv it!! Do you mind if me and my friends make a video using this script? I most likely wont post the video on youtube.
Submitted by Order Levitra (not verified) on Fri, 04/08/2011 - 23:00
Hi, pretty good post with hilarious stuff . I realyy enjoyed reading your post. i must appreciate the co writer "Jhalen" for such exciting thoughts and putting it on paper.
Submitted by captainmo on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 04:26
Order Levitra, how do you know what jhalen did?
Submitted by sara (not verified) on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 02:13
HI there, I was wondering if you would allow me to use this script for a youtube video I want to make? Of coarse you would be credited...let me know! :)
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 08:26
yes, sara you may use my script
Submitted by may (not verified) on Sat, 05/28/2011 - 08:40
can me and my friend plz use ur script 4 our video on youtube ... we will give credit 4 it
Submitted by captainmo on Sat, 05/28/2011 - 08:47
Go ahead, and have fun
Submitted by Cung (not verified) on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:03
I lke it ^_^ do u thnk i'll be able to use it for a shrt vids some day??
Submitted by captainmo on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:57
Go ahead just give me credit
Submitted by jksc on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 18:30
Hi Morgan! I was wondering if it would be possible for me to use your script in a scene? Of course, credits will be given.
Submitted by captainmo on Thu, 08/18/2011 - 16:27
Of course you may :)
Submitted by Flagmere (not verified) on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 08:29
You said that its not TGI Fridays its TGI Tuesdays but at the begining it says 'Welcome to TGI Fridays' I would change that if i were you... But in genral great script, clever content, good build up and good structure :)
Submitted by Christina Ralph (not verified) on Sat, 09/24/2011 - 14:25
I am going to make a video of this. I WILL GIVE YOU FULLL CREDIT (:
Submitted by Courtney Lay (not verified) on Mon, 09/26/2011 - 07:20
Hey Morgan? Can I use your skit for a radio brodadcast that I have to do for a project? I will give you full credit. Thanks!
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 09/26/2011 - 07:54
Go ahead, have fun Courtney, and you too Christina. And Flagmere I changed it a few days ago, thanks for noticing so i could correct that mistake :)
Submitted by dezmond (not verified) on Tue, 10/04/2011 - 13:06
this is funny and cool... may i use it for my drama proget... i will say its by you
Submitted by captainmo on Tue, 10/04/2011 - 18:58
Yeah go ahead
Submitted by dezmond (not verified) on Mon, 10/10/2011 - 13:02
thanks they liked it.... thanks your the best... well in my opinion
Submitted by katie (not verified) on Tue, 10/11/2011 - 10:44
hahahahahahahhahaahahahahahah halarious keep on coming with them
Submitted by dhivyani (not verified) on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 02:34
i like it . it was beautiful . but i can't under stud the roll of waiter.
Submitted by Jasmine (not verified) on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 16:14
Hi do you mind if i use the script for a video
Submitted by Jasmine (not verified) on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 16:23
im going to make the video do you mind if i use it????
Submitted by Mariah Stewart (not verified) on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 11:51
Do u mind if i use u skit for a comedy night we are hosting at school? I'll give credit where credit is due :)
Submitted by captainmo on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 11:59
Everybody can use this script if they give me credit :)
Submitted by Ladee da da (not verified) on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 12:55
Hi, can i use this ill give u credit? thx :)
Submitted by bhavana (not verified) on Sun, 11/13/2011 - 20:29
superb its really really very funny. i enjoyed it alot.
Submitted by martin cephas (not verified) on Wed, 11/16/2011 - 18:09
dude u made me to laugh if its ok with you i'll like to use this for my up coming show called funny people the comedy u grt full credit if u have facebook add me martin cephas
Submitted by captainmo on Thu, 11/17/2011 - 02:17
:D I would be honored if you use my script for your show! I'll be sure to record it on TV. I won't be able to see it live because it's my sister's birthday, but i will absolutely watch it
Submitted by waveriderlive on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 03:46
Morgan if you don't mind I would like to use this script. Funny stuff! Let me know and if you do give the info so you can see the final product.
Submitted by Steph&Cody:D (not verified) on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 04:35
So I would love to use this for a talent show we will give you credit...... I can spell like this.... luv.... gr8.... get ;) hahahah what the heck?!?!?!? We loved it By the way :D
Submitted by Mademen (not verified) on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 01:16
Sup Morgan i was wondering if i could use our script on a youtube tube video. and yes you will get credit for it beep if you agree.
Submitted by D'zire (not verified) on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 10:20
This is HILARIOUS!!!! LOL!!!! I would LOVE to give u credit and use this on my radio show! :) Musical Madness with D'zire every other Wed 5pm PST Thnks!!!
Submitted by captainmo on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 11:03
Yes you may use this script Mademen, D'zire, and Steph&cody:D
Submitted by Ajcomical on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 02:48
i can see how that would be annoying, intersting script though
Submitted by trevor (not verified) on Sun, 02/19/2012 - 08:45
i'm auditioning for an acting career and i need to perform a scene with one other person, we were wondering if we could use this? there will be no video or audio recording of any form but i wantted to get the go ahead.
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 04:51
Yes you may use my script. I hope. You have fun and good luck
Submitted by antonio (not verified) on Thu, 03/22/2012 - 01:12
Hey I was just wondering if I could use your script for my culinary arts project? There will not be a video or sound, but your name will be at the bottom of the script when I turn it in.
Submitted by captainmo on Sun, 03/25/2012 - 16:16
sure antonio
Submitted by Jas (not verified) on Sat, 04/21/2012 - 02:23
Please can I use your script for a school talent show if I give you credit.:-)
Submitted by Jas (not verified) on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 01:37
please let me know today because i need to practice with my friend tommorow;-(
Submitted by captainmo on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 03:02
Go ahead Jas
Submitted by Jas (not verified) on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 07:39
Thankyou thats great im calling my friend right now!
Submitted by guest (not verified) on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 07:27
Can I use this for a talent show
Submitted by guest (not verified) on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 07:37
can you let me know today
Submitted by guest (not verified) on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 07:46
oh and also I don't really comprehend the part with the mens room
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 08:12
Yes you may guest. And you aren't really supposed to get the part with the men's room that's what makes it some what funny (or at least that's what we tried to do)
Submitted by guest (not verified) on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 08:32
but what is it. The talent show won't let me do it if it were inappropriate
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 10:11
It's a bathroom. It's not inappropriate.
Submitted by guest (not verified) on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 10:33
Submitted by randyorton (not verified) on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 00:26
kacharaaaaaaaa scripyt...................
Submitted by Kittu (not verified) on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 02:19
Submitted by madison gpmez (... (not verified) on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 12:13
dis was halarious good work
Submitted by scrappydawg on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 03:36
can i use this for a audition it will have no video or audio??
Submitted by ShaquitaNichole (not verified) on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 13:27
Hi, I really enjoyed reading your script and would love to use it in upcoming video recordings. I was wondering if I could use ma'am instead of sir in the script and I will definitely give you credit in my description and video!
Submitted by markau (not verified) on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 13:44
may i please use this skit for a talent show my youth group is doing?
Submitted by Shawn (not verified) on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 14:56
Could My friends and i use this for our acting class?
Submitted by Fluffybunny20011 (not verified) on Fri, 10/12/2012 - 02:06
Hi Morgan may I use this as a scipt for YouTube I'll give credits but how? Do I. (if you say yes) say scipt written by Morgan fisher?
Submitted by captainmo on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 13:30
Yes that is fine.
Submitted by bgirl1010 on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 17:09
Morgan, I'd like to use this script for a variety show at our fine arts school. Is that o.k. with you? I'll credit you.
Submitted by JBang (not verified) on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 04:06
Morgan we are having a talent show and would like to use your script as a short scene in the show. We will give your credit in the program, is this alright?
Submitted by vivek.s (not verified) on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 00:21
very good and nice work
Submitted by Jamie louise (not verified) on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 07:25
hey this is amense!!! Please could i use this, I will change the script a bit and I may or may not put it on youtube. I will give you credit for writing it the original. (:
Submitted by gbazi1 on Sat, 04/20/2013 - 12:13
Can i use this cuz it is funny and i want to do it for the talent show so people can laugh.PLEASE
Submitted by captainmo on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 12:46
Go ahead. ANYBODY can use my scripts
Submitted by Micheal Jensen (not verified) on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 03:41
Hi, this is amazing! Its the funniest on this site, its really funny! Can i use this script for a short film? I will credit you, ofcourse. I dont make any money on it, its just for fun :)
Submitted by Jerrie (not verified) on Wed, 05/22/2013 - 17:18
Hi, Morgan.I'm Jerrier, an English teacher from China. I love this script. It's hilarious.May I use it as classroom material for my students to perform? And, I really can't comprehend the part with the men's room. :(
Submitted by Mason (not verified) on Mon, 07/15/2013 - 17:26
Can I use this script please? I will give you credit In my video. :)
Submitted by shena mae (not verified) on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 16:38
it was nice but i can't understand the point and the purpose of the waiter !!!
Submitted by Walaa on Mon, 12/02/2013 - 00:19
this is really funny XD can i please act it in my english interactive?. i would just use it in the class act it no video of it would be recorded :)
Submitted by Amber McCormick (not verified) on Sat, 02/08/2014 - 03:23
We are using an adaptation of this for an audition video for my 2 friends will give credit.
Submitted by lexi (not verified) on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 07:33
I loved this can I use it in my talent show
Submitted by lexi (not verified) on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 07:52
I loved this can I use it in my talent show please
Submitted by captainmo on Mon, 11/10/2014 - 12:16
Go ahead Lexi, have fun :)
Submitted by Brandi Hulsey (not verified) on Tue, 05/05/2015 - 02:07
Hi. My drama club students are trying some improv and we are going to break up our little "performance" with some fun skits! Can my students use this? They love it! :)
Submitted by script (not verified) on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 07:45
I will give credit. hilarious!
Submitted by Aman Sharma (not verified) on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 01:28
Hi, its being really amazing i loved it i am planning it for my school skite comepitition.Thanks for uploding it
Submitted by Aman Sharma (not verified) on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 01:31
Hi, its being really amazing i loved it i am planning it for my school skite comepitition.Thanks for uploding it I ENJOYED IT
Submitted by Luwam (not verified) on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 14:17
This is amazing and really funny! I love it! Do you mind if me and my friend use this for our class drama presentation. We'll credit you for this amazing thing! Thanks please respond as soon as you can!
Submitted by Luwam (not verified) on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 14:21
If you can please respond today or tomorrow because I need to practise the script for our presentation. Thanks and like I said it's really funny.
Submitted by captainmo on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 09:14
Go for it Luwam. Hope it goes well!
Submitted by Luwam (not verified) on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 02:29
Do you mind if we add in lines? Because it's a little short. Please respond soon.
Submitted by Luwam (not verified) on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 14:47
Like not much, just a few so it's enough for our drama presentation and we'll still give credit to you.
Submitted by captainmo on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 18:05
Yea, do what you want Luwam.
Submitted by NittyDaNittsta@... on Sat, 03/04/2017 - 18:51
captainmo do you care if I use this in one of my videos?
Submitted by NittyDaNittsta@... on Sat, 03/04/2017 - 18:52
Maybe add and replace a couple lines, but you would still get mentioned
Submitted by naneyboo10 on Fri, 06/09/2017 - 02:59
Hello, I will use this script and I wont forget to credit you!
Submitted by Scypoise on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 11:29
Hey Can I use this sketch for my channel? I will credit you of course and give you a shout out!
Submitted by Jewals19 on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 09:49
captainmo I would please like to use this skit at my sister's 60th birthday party.. It may be recorded/videoed by the guests. I will credit you as the writer. thank you so much
Submitted by Juan Bori Martinez on Sun, 04/26/2020 - 12:12
Hey captainmo. May I use this script for a video?. You of course will be credited.
Submitted by rajpiyushraj6_12734 on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 08:37
Sir your script is awesome .can I use it for my YouTube video
Submitted by kanwaln520_15626 on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 10:14
can i use this please ?

1.5m Comedy Skits - The Waiter & The Customer