Bad News

Bad News

(3m)   by Emmanuel

Comedy Monologues   (69713 Views 6 Comments)

There are many ways of welcoming bad news. In my family we were always told to try to see the good side of things. I'm not good at this.

But I must admit that sometimes disappointment is so unexpected that, in a way, it is kind of a success to manage to be unsuccessful! In such a case, if you feel sorry for yourself, you're wrong. Because you succeed in challenging destiny. Odds are astronomical against failing. But you do. You win against destiny. That's what I tried to make my 8 year old nephew understand when he "beat" me (according to him) playing table football... Obviously, considering how improbable the shut-out was, it is legitimate to claim that I won! My loss is a beautiful victory against destiny and odds!

He answered he defeated destiny too! I said : "OK, we're ex-aequo then." But he could not admit that, arguing that he won twice: once against me, and once against probabilities! What the hell is that?!! It only counts as one victory! "Don't be so childish?" I said! "You're a big boy now! You beat me, but you could not have done it without me, so we're ex-aequo, right?" But he kept protesting. I can't believe how immature kids are!

Telling very bad news to people makes me anxious. It is so hard that when people want me to do that, they're like: "I've got bad, bad news for you, you've got to tell bad news to someone. You gonna be alright? I'm sorry dude. Be strong". I don't really know how to do that. I try not to be too brutal, and highlight the fact that what has happened is going to be something unique and unforgettable in their life. Something like:

"Congratulations, I'm sorry, I've got very bad news, you won: You've lost everything!"

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

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Submitted by Sabrina (not verified) on Tue, 10/02/2012 - 14:27
May I use this for my theater class?
Submitted by Manzoo (not verified) on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 00:03
Hi Sabrina, yes, you can use it for your theater class. Don't forget to mention my real name, which is Emmanuel Trep-Kormann You can contact me here: Regards, E.
Submitted by Keren (not verified) on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 14:11
Hello! I would like to use this in my school speech contest. Do you mind if I use it?
Submitted by Manzoo (not verified) on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 07:00
Hi Keren, no problem!
Submitted by toolbox122 on Thu, 01/08/2015 - 15:04
Hi Manzoo, I was just wandering if i could ask you for permission to use your monologue "Bad News" in a competition i'm entering. Thank You
Submitted by Yolo (not verified) on Fri, 08/28/2015 - 12:32
Hi,I would like to use your please

3m Comedy Monologues - Bad News