Children at Restaurants

Children at Restaurants

(3m)   by lkodua

Comedy Monologues   (148618 Views 12 Comments)

I was waiting for a takeaway order at a Chinese Restaurant, and I saw two small children sitting at a table with about 10 adults – all couples – trying to entertain themselves. I felt a really strong wave of pity because I remembered when I was that little boy, who had to sit with a huge group of adults, because my parents couldn’t leave me home and somehow thought that a restaurant dinner was a privilege for a nine year old.

  The most annoying this was that I was never allowed to bring a book or my Gameboy. My mum always used to say: ‘you have to be social.’ I didn’t have the comedic intelligence or confidence I have now but if I did I would have replied:

  ‘Excuse me, Mom, but you have known me for about 9 years and I don’t know if you have missed it, but my main interests in life are Dragonball Z and custard. Now, you lot are going to be talking about holiday packages and mortgages for the whole night, forgive me for saying this but I don’t think this is my crowd. In fact, I think I am only here for two reasons only and they do not include the entertainment of Labeja. They are 1. So you lot have something to pet and cuddle like a puppy and 2. So every single person here remembers that this might just be a good night, but a good night that will surely end, and when it does they have to return to their own little creations waiting forlornly at home for their coming.’

 But what I actually did was sleep the whole night.

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

Does anybody else get annoyed at parents who subject their children to restaurant visits when a TV is obviously the more exciting entertainer.

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Submitted by Autumn (not verified) on Sun, 11/11/2012 - 00:30
Is it told in a british accent?
Submitted by college essay e... (not verified) on Wed, 11/14/2012 - 18:51
Should an earthquake strike, a single family dwelling is actually one of the safest places to be. Still, this will not protect you from falling furniture and shattering glass. Thanks.
Submitted by pavithra (not verified) on Fri, 12/07/2012 - 15:25
we want comedy skits
Submitted by Abbie (not verified) on Sun, 03/03/2013 - 03:36
May I use this. For an audition?
Submitted by labeja (not verified) on Sun, 03/03/2013 - 07:42
yeah, of course you can but please give credit where it is due
Submitted by Julian (not verified) on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 05:31
It's for an audition
Submitted by harsh agarwal (not verified) on Sat, 07/20/2013 - 02:16
this is not goods you have improve more in your website.
Submitted by Johana (not verified) on Wed, 08/21/2013 - 06:23
Hello, I am writing from Montevideo, Uruguay. I have a friend of 12 years who is awaiting that called for an audition for a TV program, to be chosen, it would have to do a monologue and the truth is that I've searched all over the web in Spanish and found only three but they are very long, so looking in the web monologues in English I found that I loved itI think it is very good and it is shorter than the other three. So I took the dare translated into my language and adapt it so that it is expressed from a child perspective. I hope you don't mind, if you want to send it to you so you can see how it was. From already thank you ayas so openly shared so they can use it, it really helps. If you like to write monologues and comedy scripts, count on me when you need to translate your writing to the Spanish. Best regards!!!
Submitted by jesu mae (not verified) on Sun, 09/22/2013 - 19:32
we want skrip
Submitted by emily (not verified) on Sat, 11/30/2013 - 04:13
that is the worst script I have ever read come on I mean think of something a bit more entertaining it is no comedy
Submitted by Alex Smith (not verified) on Sun, 06/08/2014 - 22:02
I partly agree with Autumn's comment. After all, there is "mum", but how many Chinese restaurants are there in England and what kind of name is Labeja? bars in Singapore
Submitted by Mari (not verified) on Sat, 05/30/2015 - 10:02
school project?

3m Comedy Monologues - Children at Restaurants