Father's Day Oh Yeah

Father's Day Oh Yeah

(1m)   by the.designer

Comedy Monologues   (27300 Views 0 Comments)

The first thing I want to do this father?s day is to be a father.

And that?s the only thing I didn?t do today?

I?m The cook, the doorman, the driver, the worker, the carrier, the fetcher, the dish washer, the griller, the runner..

Where?s the father material in that?

To me a fatherly figure is the one who will slouch on the chair all day..

And Watch TV.

?Hon can you serve me lunch.?

?Daughter can you fetch me nuts and bunch of sodas.?

?Son can you massage me.?

What did I got?

?Dad, do this.?

?Dad, do that??

?And dad carry that for me!?

Happy fathers day to you!

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

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1m Comedy Monologues - Father's Day Oh Yeah