Modern Romeo

Modern Romeo

(2m)   by alyssa.ford2015

Comedy Monologues   (56550 Views 9 Comments)

Angel: You know, back in the olden days where maidens and princesses actually existed, there was a person called Romeo. Classic Romeo who would swoon you by just his looks, or say how you're the love of his life. Those were the days I've been DYING to experience.˜

(PAUSE AND SIGH) Yeah, I know what you mean, buddy. Nowadays, boys just want to date skinny twigs with fair, blonde hair and a smooth complexion. Girl falls for boy out of league (WHISPERS) usually a hot guy or a jock. Girl develops crush on guy for like plus amount of years, just WISHING and DAYDREAMING about the day he will come to his senses and ask her out. Girl gets asked out. Girl dates him for a couple of months, maybe years. Girl notices guy flirting with other girls. Girl gets jealous at guy and gets hysterical. Girl and guy get into an argument about whose butt he was looking at that day in the hall...and then (MAKES CLOUD NOISE) POOF! You're single again back to square one.

Girl wonders if guy misses her. Girl cries her heart out and eats tub of ice cream. Girl gets advice from BFF. Girl is told to get over him. Girl gets over him. Girl finds another and BETTER (WINK) hot guy who actually loves her, and then the old jerk wants to come back and say, (MOCKS DUMB GUY VOICE) "Oh, I didn't mean to look at Ashley's butt that day. I still love you and it was only you that I loved. Please take me back!" What is wrong with guys these days? (PAUSE AND NOD HEAD) Hmmm, I know how you feel. I just got dumped by one jack-ass recently for cheating on me. (FLAILS ARMS) WITH TWO DIFFERENT GIRLS!˜

(sighs) I dunno, you can have a crush on whatever guy you want, fall in love with that guy, date the guy...WHATEVER! But don't come crying to me when you get your heart broken. I told you these Modern Romeo's aren't worth a dime of your time. Trust me, you'll see...

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date:

Author's Message

This monologue is between two people, however only one is talking. She is describing the difference between boys then and now. She is giving advice to a person who is doubtful/needs convincing. Play the character how you want. Twist it up a bit, make it your style.

Copyright Statement



Submitted by Erin (not verified) on Sun, 07/19/2015 - 15:24
Hey I would be interested in buying this monologue- is there a full script?
Submitted by Patrick ;) (not verified) on Thu, 11/05/2015 - 06:41
Hi! I have a forensics competition in a couple weeks and this goes PERFECT with my first monologue! Can I use this one? Thank you for reading!
Submitted by Jade Eden (not verified) on Tue, 12/01/2015 - 11:37
Hi! I love this monologue! I'll be using it in a video on the channel mentioned above if it's okay :) Thank you!
Submitted by Cello (not verified) on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 14:45
Howdy! I have an upcoming monologue competition and I'm wondering if I could use this one. Thank you!
Submitted by Imdoingthisforaclass (not verified) on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 16:39
I would love to use this monologues for my theater class with you permission!
Submitted by diatra123 on Fri, 02/05/2016 - 19:47
How can i see a full script ?
Submitted by sarah lowder (not verified) on Thu, 02/25/2016 - 11:09
Hi! I would like to use this for a class assignment!
Submitted by THAT ONE POTATO... on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 01:42
Hi! I think this monologue is amazing, and I would like to use it for my monologue performance for my Drama class!
Submitted by Melindahodge239... on Wed, 01/29/2020 - 10:39
Would like to use this

2m Comedy Monologues - Modern Romeo