I happen to be a super white, extremely pale, ghostly....well, there are many names i've been called because of my "whiteness". Everywhere I go i see other white people and they're never as pale as I am! They always have a little bit of tan....or alot...(some of them look like they're trying to be those noisy Italians off of jersey shore.)
I hate it when people walk up to me and say "Do you tan?" I mean seriously! Do I look like I tan? Asking if I tan is like asking a homeless guy if he vacations in Europe, has a gold card, and what a nice house warming gift might be.
I'm so pale, I blend in with the weather....people can't see me when it snows, when it's foggy, or when it's sunny! If the sun's too bright, it tends to reflect off my skin....so sometimes I don't know weather people can't look at me cuz i'm too bright...or if i'm just that ugly.
Nomatter what I do, everyone tends to notice how pale I am. I could be unicycling down the street while juggling babies and all anyone would say is....."oh my gosh! look at how pale she is!......that remind me, i need to buy some milk. :/ I finally found out something I have in common with the black guy down the street.....when he smiles, his teeth are as white as my skin! Makes everything so much better :)