(prop needed: a cell phone to receive a call at the end)
Texting is huge.
We’re starting to prefer it to talking.
We’d rather send a text message then get stuck in some fluffy conversation
Where you need to improv some cool sounding introduction, like…
“Hi Sid it’s Don, Yeah....how are ya doing?” (like you really care)
I mean, You wanna sound like you care
But now you’ve asked a question. Big mistake
What if they’re not doing well?
Now you’re stuck in some counselling session that someone else gets paid like $60 an hour for.
And You’re stuck doing this for nothing.
Then there’s the conclusion…
How to get out of a conversation without offending someone?
You both know the conversations over
You’ve reached that awkward silence, trying to shut the door on this chitchat
We try and send cues to signal a conversation is closing like…
“yeah Ok...uhh I’ve got some stuff to do so...” (No you don’t)
The truth is you’re bored but can’t say it.
Forest Gump could do it, but we can’t be that honest.
*Forest* “Sid? I’m bored. And that’s all I’ve got to say about this. Goodbye” *click*
You see how easy that is?
But no, we...