

(2.5m)   by restisaweapon

Comedy Monologues   (76846 Views 4 Comments)



Weddings, getting married; Now there’s a big deal

With so much to arrange,  it’s an emotional mega project.

Not for me! I eloped,

 Avoiding all the planning, invitations and drama with relatives.

I think putting on a wedding is like taking a flight on an airliner.

Like every wedding is a destination wedding.

You decide where you’ll hold it; at a beach, hotel or some pretty park.

That’s your destination.

Then the invitations go out.

These are tickets to the flight.

And that’s a whole kettle of drama right there.

Cuz you have to make the decisions right?

Who’s gonna come, and…who’s not gonna come?

The wedding flight will have the first class cabin reserved for the wedding party and immediate family

Grandma and Grandpa, pre boarded with the ring bearer and flower girl.

All seats are pre assigned and some will not be impressed!

Of course every wedding flight has some hijackers on board.

Mother of the bride is a good candidate.

But there’s always a few ‘Take Charge” relatives ready to storm the cockpit.

And landing the event can be tricky too,

That’s why so many are hiring the ‘Wedding Planner’.

This savvy, attention to detail person has all the bases covered.

They arrive on the scene like that handsome uniformed flight crew

Charismatically strutting through the airport.

They keep things organized,

getting everyone seated and through the safety demonstration.

The safety demonstration is your wedding rehearsal,

(usually happens a couple of days before).

Wedding Planners (usually control freaks), are the flight’s captains.

They know how to handle any wedding turbulence.

However the truth is, oxygen masks drop on most wedding flights.

Because so much can go wrong

Malfunctioning wedding dresses, wedding cake failures, wedding march timing breakdowns, music that starts too soon, music that doesn’t start at all, bad weather, drunken relatives and of course the dreaded cold feet episodes.

So with so much to go wrong,

It’s almost guaranteed we’ll see those oxygen masks drop.

The good news is most weddings make their landings

Even if a few are the crashing kind.

Then we’re on to the next leg of the marriage journey,

Getting to know your new roommate.

Post honeymoon relationships:  A reality TV series.

Guys, with no idea what they’ve really signed up for.

Think marriage is their ticket to regular sex.

We’ve thought it through like this...













Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

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Submitted by shiv on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 23:30
hi don am not able to down;oad the complete script on wedding written by you please advice what i have to do thanks
Submitted by kasirye jimmy (not verified) on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 00:54
Am a good comedian from uganda,i ask you to help me to star acting with you.Thank you.
Submitted by Phillippa (not verified) on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 11:00
Hello Don am I able to read the rest of your joke please
Submitted by restisaweapon on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 11:55
Hi Philippa you need to friend me on this site to see the rest. Thanks Don

2.5m Comedy Monologues - Weddings