Forget About It

Forget About It

(6m)   by joines

Comedy Skits   (38550 Views 20 Comments)

Bob:  Hello?  Can I help you?

Sue:  I’m  looking for a size 7 in…uh….black pumps…..not too high of a heel…….maybe a flat…..or……..

Bob:  Leather?

Sue:  Leather?

Bob:  Are you looking for a leather heel…..or maybe something in faux?

Sue:  Oh…uh….whatever you have…I really like the Gucci.

Bob:  Oh…then that will certainly be the leather…….hold on one second while I go back and check to see if we have that size…….okay?

Sue:  What?

Bob:  The size.……………..You said size 7 right?

[Bob just stands there for a moment….]

Bob:  Are you okay?

Sue:  Oh…yeah…sure…..

Bob:    You seem a little….I don’t know…..I don’t really know how to put it…I’m not trying to offend you or anything……but you just seem a little preoccupied with something.  Am I wrong?

[Sue looks around quickly…..she seems nervous…]

Bob:   Are you okay?  Is………someone out there?

[Sue steps back…….she pulls a rather large nine millimeter from her purse…..]

Bob:   Oh my god!

Sue:   Alright!  Shut up!  Get down on the floor!

Bob:  What?!

Sue:  You heard me!  On the floor!

Bob:    Is this serious?  What…………?

Sue:  Do it!! Just do it!

[Sue seems to be motioning with her hands to something outside…. two men enter….guns drawn…]

Frank:  Shut up!  Shut up! 

Salvatore:  Don’t say a word!  Don’t say a word or you die!

Bob:  I’m cool…I’m cool…..just take the money…..just take it!

Frank:  Shut up!  I said shut up!

Salvatore:  Where’s the safe?

Bob:   We…we don’t have one.

Sue:  220 SECONDS!

Salvatore:  I thought you staked this place out?

Sue:  I did!  I didn’t see any safe!

Salvatore:  Where’s the safe sonny!  Where is it!  I’m about to blow your brains out! 

Frank:  Where’s the safe!  Where is it!

[Frank presses gun to Bob’s head.]

Bob:  We…we….don’t have a safe……..all the money is kept in a drawer in the office…in the back…I swear to you…I swear….don’t kill me…please…..I have children…..

Frank:  Shut up!  I said shut up!

Sue:  200 SECONDS!

{For  the me............ to email at joinesw@gmail........I don't understand the Icomedy contact system}

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date:

Author's Message

This is 1/4 of the short skit/play

Copyright Statement




Submitted by MK Gupta on Fri, 05/05/2017 - 05:57
I like this script...can you please provide me It's full length
Submitted by joines on Fri, 05/05/2017 - 14:13
I'd be more than happy to. Right now, it's the weekend and I'm at home. The script is at school. I will send it to you Monday. It's one of my "Class B" scripts written rather hastily. I'm glad you liked the first gets better.
Submitted by MK Gupta on Mon, 05/08/2017 - 04:59
Thnaks joines... And sent its full length to Yours thankfully M.K.GUPTA
Submitted by carlgwine on Sun, 05/14/2017 - 17:25
I have enjoyed the start of "Forget About It" and am interested in receiving the full script. I appears that it might be useful for our senior readers theater group. Thank you. CGS 05/14/17
Submitted by Zukajin on Mon, 05/29/2017 - 21:12
Can I use this script sir?
Submitted by joines on Tue, 05/30/2017 - 14:25
You may! I can share with you full script with google docs if you give me your email.
Submitted by pbalamurugan18 on Mon, 11/06/2017 - 05:19
May I please use this script as soon as possible?
Submitted by Marla Kelly on Tue, 06/27/2017 - 18:08
May I please have the full script my email is
Submitted by Madhur on Tue, 08/08/2017 - 09:51
Submitted by Yash Mathne on Thu, 08/10/2017 - 23:10
Can you send me the Script @ Thank you!
Submitted by Sidney D'Souza on Mon, 08/21/2017 - 11:03
Sir may I use this script? I really liked it! My email id is
Submitted by Dumbdumb6960_9671 on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 05:30
I would love to get the full script. Im a new short film and want to make this and YouTube it Thanks
Submitted by Zautiahcotton_9687 on Fri, 09/29/2017 - 13:52
Can i read the rest of you script please if so my email is
Submitted by psample_9731 on Tue, 10/17/2017 - 09:19
Hello. I'm using this in my 8th grade class for drama. The kids are writing their own endings to this story and are dying to see how you made this funny. That is the biggest challenge for them. I would love the rest of this story to have my kids read. Could you possibly send me the rest? Thanks Patrick
Submitted by joines on Sun, 10/15/2023 - 15:55
sorry...missed this one
Submitted by gangi swag on Tue, 10/17/2017 - 21:48
May I please have the full script my email is
Submitted by Muhammad Faraz ... on Wed, 10/18/2017 - 00:36
It's Faraz here, English language and literature teacher. Please email me the full length script
Submitted by mabelcpteacher_9756 on Sun, 10/22/2017 - 11:20
I´d love to get the full script and try to use it in my classes as an English language teacher. I´d like to use short comedies to motivate students. Thanks.
Submitted by hms816 on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 15:53
hey I absolutely love what I have read so far. could you please email me the rest of the script please. thank you so much.
Submitted by manahilazdee_10958 on Wed, 01/09/2019 - 06:44
Can you please send me the full script. Thank you

6m Comedy Skits - Forget About It