Game Show Host Goes On A Date

Game Show Host Goes On A Date

(2.5m)   by captainmo

Comedy Skits   (56457 Views 9 Comments)

GSH: Hello old people,school skippers, and people with no lives I?m tom tomson, we are here on location at the??.we?re going to take a quick commercial break


GSH: On second thought we are back on location at the sizzler, I?m going on a date with(girl walks in)??..(to girl) what?s your name honey?

Girl: We?ve been dating for 5 months do you really need me to tell you?

GSH: So Danielle, what is your weight?

Girl: None of your damn buisness

GSH: Okay so what is your height?

Girl: Why do you need to know these things? Are you going to build a criminal profile with all my information in it?

GSH: So danielle, we are going to go to commercial, but when we come back I?m going to get us a table

Girl: What? You haven?t made reservations?


Girl: No they aren?t!

GSH: alright so this show is brought to you by??..

Random dude: (jingle begins) Eat at sizzler it?s radioactive it can make you FLY!!!(whispers) or die

GSH: Alrighty everybody we are back and danielle and I have just ordered a table

Girl: Yeah next to the bathroom because SOMEBODY didn?t get reservations

GSH: yes now we are going to look at the menu

Voice: What danielle doesn?t know is tom is only going to spend a certain amount of money on this date. Danielle has to guess what it is

Girl: um???. 40 dollars?(buzzer) 30 dollars?(buzzer) 20 dollars?(buzzer) I give up.

Voice: The correct response is?????.

GSH: We need to take another commercial break

Random person: (fast) GO TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!

Voice: And we are back, the amount of money tom is going to spend is?? nothing he?s not paying because you are.

Girl: WHAT?!?!?! Nobody told me that!

GSH: it was in the contract sweetheart

Girl: Don?t call me sweetheart

GSH: sure thing honey pie

Girl: okay well if you call me that I will call you short stack

GSH: I dare you, tootsiepop

Girl: You listen here, I don?t need a pet name and I don?t want one either. You are just a cheap person who talks weird

GSH: I was born with a condition that all current game show hosts have that make me talk like this. It?s called Game Show Host voice-illitess

Girl: Whatever let?s order(waiter walks in) I will have the well done steak

Waiter: Is prime ribs okay?

GSH: Hey I think I know you.Didn?t you used to work at TGI Tuesdays?

Waiter: Yeah but I got fired for making a customer get like breakdown

GSH: So he had a nervous breakdown?

Waiter: yeah he was really angry

GSH: Is aggravated okay?

Girl: Wait what is this game show called anyway

GSH: Oh this isn?t a game show it?s a reality show

Girl: what is it called?

GSH: Jersey Shore.

Girl: what?

GSH & WAITER: FIST PUMP!!!!!!!(both start fist pumping)

Girl: I?ve had enough with this(starts to leave, stops) goddamn MTV (leaves)

GSH: (stops fist pumping) alright that?s all the time we have for today tune in tomorrow and watch me go on a date with snookie. Yes I know??? ew (resumes fist pumping)

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:
Permission for use:
Permission not required

Author's Message

It IS okay to put this script into a video, all you need to do is give proper credit to Morgan Fisher and Jay Gutierrez Also sorry if there are any mistakes in the script i usually write these late at night and don't proofread a lot.

Copyright Statement



Submitted by snooki (not verified) on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 10:06
im sooo not eww i was a cheerleader when i was 17.. u knw some guys actually liked me..
Submitted by Selena Ardem (not verified) on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 11:03
i'm using this in a video and not mailing you the final thingie mibobber
Submitted by offshore banking (not verified) on Thu, 09/08/2011 - 21:54
Game show host goes on date is very nice article so that can be entertainment in this script. <a href="">offshore banking</a>
Submitted by Courtney (not verified) on Mon, 09/26/2011 - 23:42
Hey Morgan, can I also use this skit for my radio broadcast? I love it!!!
Submitted by martin cephas (not verified) on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 15:57
wow another one this is even funner
Submitted by Carla Davis on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 10:48
This is great! My daughter has to submit a couple of skits for a pep rally and would love to use this one. She would also like to use The Waiter & The Customer and Grandparents Really Don't Get It. She will be more than happy to have her school give you the credit. Thank you!
Submitted by captainmo on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 14:08
Why yes your daughter can use it :). And the other ones as well. I'm glad she wants to perform these. Tell her i said good luck and have fun!
Submitted by runnr4lfe77 on Sun, 03/04/2012 - 04:51
ur skits are great! i love how you tied your other script into this one xD
Submitted by Lyrikal Jenkins (not verified) on Fri, 04/04/2014 - 08:07
Hi, Morgan. This script is AMAZING. I was wondering if I could use this script in a competition I'm going to be in?

2.5m Comedy Skits - Game Show Host Goes On A Date