Boy: Can I borrow the book on Gulliver Twist!
Librarian: You mean Oliver Twist!
Boy: No, Gulliver Twist!
Librarian: There is no such book known as Gulliver Twist!
Boy: There is, may be it unknown, Gulliver Twist who stays in Sherwood Forest!
Librarian: That's Robin Hood!
Boy: No I am not talking about the Time Traveler!
Librarian: Look there is Gulliver and there is Oliver, they are two separate people!
Boy: Yes but I never said anything about Oliver!
Librarian: Look Oliver is a young lad who is an orphan!
Boy: Well Gulliver finds a ring in Sherwood Forest, kills his father and then becomes an orphan because his Mom already had ran away with Gandalf!
Librarian: Gulliver finds little people!
Boy: There you go! Yes they are called Hobbits! Hobbits just want porridge! They keep on asking "Can I have some more?", "Can I have some more?"
Librarian: No, they are called Lilliputians! You are terribly mistaken!
Boy: Not there is no Lily, you are so silly! Gulliver, Hobbits and Muggles kill Harry Potter the Wizard of Death Star and place Dorothy on the throne!
Librarian: No, now you are mixing Harry Potter and Star Wars!
Boy: Star Wars! Why would two stars fight? It?s so unscientific!
Librarian: I don't have any books! Just go away!
Boy: I am a member of this library and I want Gulliver Twist!
Librarian: Look I will give you Gulliver Travels, Oliver Twist, Harry Potter and Star Wars and you read them all!
Boy: Look! I know that you have the book and you would have given it to your son or nephew!
Librarian: There is no such book! Why don't you search over the internet?
Boy: What?s that?
Librarian: How old are you?
Boy: How old do I look?
Librarian: 15
Boy: You are wrong. I am 16. Yesterday was my birthday!
Librarian: Happy Birthday! Which school do you go?
Boy: I am home schooled! My father said that the standard of education in this country is falling!
Librarian: I want to meet your father!
Boy: Do you believe in God?
Librarian: Yes!
Boy: OK! Then I think it is safe for you to meet him. He is a priest you see!
Librarian: OK!
Boy: So where is my book!
Librarian: How about I give you a 20 and you leave me in peace!
Boy: 50
Librarian: Here it is?
Boy: Thanks! Well do you have a copy of "20000 leagues under the space" and this time I will give you the author's name"Steven Spielberg" Do you have it? Steven wrote the Chinese movie "Jujitsu Park" with Rocky..