

(1m)   by bkuniverse

Comedy Skits   (76249 Views 8 Comments)

Husband: You know what happened today?

Wife: What?

Husband: Our maid!

Wife: Stella!

Husband: You won't believe even if I say!

Wife: No I would!

Husband: She pinched my bottom

Wife: What?

Husband: And said that she loves me and that I should leave you for her and run away with her, with your money!

Wife: I can't believe!

Husband: Even I couldn't, but you know there was a program in which they told that girls in their twenties are so much interested in older guys!

Wife: You mean, men in their forties!

Husband: Yes, she might have found that program inspiring!

Wife: But it doesn't make sense!

Husband: It made sense to her and so she did it.

Wife: What did you say?

Husband: I slapped myself and said that stay away from me!

Wife: Yes, your cheek is red, but why would you do that!

Husband: I wanted to slap her but then you know how much I respect women, so to show her that I didn't like it, I slapped myself!

Wife: OK.

Husband: You know and I am sure this would happen!

Wife: What more is remaining to happen?

Husband: She will bitch about me, saying I pinched her and proposed to run away with her taking your money and she slapped me.  She will tell you reverse!

Wife: So...

Husband: Since I told you before, we both must agree that I am telling the truth.

Wife: Yes, it seems so!

Husband: You are so wise! How did she think that I will leave you for her? I must say you are an asset!

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

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Submitted by Mok Kim Hong (not verified) on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 14:53
Lol its so funny.. :D
Submitted by bkuniverse on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 22:49
@Mok Kim Hong Thanks.
Submitted by Ed (not verified) on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 02:17
Hey buddy, this is a great idea. I have had a go adapting it that you may be interesting in seeing where I saw some potential for jokes and repetition, and some character building of the wife. Just came across this site today great resource for teaching. Ed The Happy Couple Husband: You know what happened today? Wife: What? Husband: Our maid happened that???s what! Wife: Stella? Husband: You wouldn???t believe it! Wife: Try me. Husband: Welll??? she pinched me??? Wife: Pinched you???. Husband: Pinched me. On the bottom. Wife: Stella???? Husband: Yup. Pause Husband: And said that she loves me Wife: Loves you? Husband: and??? that I should leave you for her and run away with her, Wife She and you? Husband: With your money! Wife: Right??? I???m not sure- Husband: Even I couldn't believe it. Wife: I???m not going to lie to you, I???m finding this particularly hard to believe. Husband: Well just imagine what I???ve been thinking? Wife: That???s part of the problem??? Husband: But then I realised! You know how there was that program the other night where, where??? they said that girls in their twenties are so much more interested in older guys than, like ever before right! Wife: Oh right like ???men in their forties???? Husband: Yes men in their forties thank you very much! Well she must have seen it, and well, found that it er??? inspiring! Wife: Good thing it wasn???t 20 year old serial killers then eh? Husband: Yeah??? Good thing. Lucky escape for us all. Wife: So. Tell me. After you had to suffer this??? attention from the maid, did you say anything? Put up a protest? Husband: Well, without a moments hesitation, not one breath of should I-shouldn???t I ??? no, I slapped myself and said that she should stay away from me! Done and Done! Wife: Oh that???s why your cheek is red! Aha! Husband: Exactly! Wife Why? Husband: Why What? Wife Why, exactly, would you, slap yourself? Husband: Well, Well, I wanted to slap her, obviously, but then??? you know how much I respect women, so, to show her that I didn't like it, and I was suffering great pains in my heart, I slapped myself! Wife: Right. Great pains. Husband: I???m so glad to just be able to talk about it, you know? And not live with the great pains and longer. Wife: Hmm??? I???m sure you???ll bounce back. You think she got the message? I mean shall I sack her? Husband: Oh, that???s a bit harsh. No. She definitely understood how faithful I am to you, darling. All done. Wife So, I should be grateful all???s back to normal. Husband Grateful. You said it. Back to normal. Wife Of course darling, once I???ve told her off about it. Husband Now, let???s not be hasty, maybe she should leave. I mean it???s obvious she???s going be at it again and start moaning on about me, saying ??? I don???t know??? saying that I pinched her, for goodness sake, and, and I, proposed to run away with her, and taking your money???. Wife and that she slapped you? Husband Crazy I know! Wife: What a pickle you???d be in??? Husband: It would be terrible wouldn???t it? Wife Dreadful. Pause Wife So good that you told me first??? so I???d know the real story eh? Husband: How could she think that I would leave you for her? I???m not that sort of man. Wife Well I???m sure she???s now quite aware of the man you truly are. Now let???s see if we can balance out that red cheek. END
Submitted by bkuniverse on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 03:36
@Ed. What you wrote is fantastic! Thanks. I wish I could update the one you have written on this and give you the credits.
Submitted by jijigren on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 02:49
This is really funny. May I have your permission to use this script for Youtube video?
Submitted by bkuniverse on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 03:43
@Tarmizi You can use all my scripts.
Submitted by drake (not verified) on Thu, 01/01/2015 - 10:30
loved it! can i please use this script for my drama class . its like an emergency and i don't got ideas right now.
Submitted by bkuniverse on Thu, 01/01/2015 - 12:42
@drake yes

1m Comedy Skits - Maid