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Subtext Int. Bedroom Late Morning

The scene is set in a bedroom with two friends, one is sitting on the bed while the other is sitting on the couch. The two of them aren't doing much and are just sitting there doing nothing. One of the friends (Paul) finally says something after 10 seconds of silence in the scene


So you know Kim from school right?


I think so, why?


Well, I was planning on asking her out


Jesus dude, you only broke up with Sophie two days ago


I know, but I've done some thinking and I think I'm ready to jump back onto the high horse

Zach just stares at him for a while


Back on the high horse?


Yeah. I shouldn't let something like a break-up stop my entire dating career


I wouldn't exactly call dating a career, you can't even hold down a girlfriend for a month


What do you mean?


Well I mean you always do this kind of thing, you find a really nice girl who you claim to be "amazing and incredible" and then you dump her around 1 or 2 weeks later for stupid reasons


That's not true


Oh really? Remember Susan?


Her name sounded too much like a mother's name


Remember Molly?


She reminded me of my dog


Remember Isabella?


She was really obsessed with The Muppets. I ccouldn't handle all of the trivia she'd throw at me


Look, all I'm going to say is that you should try to keep Kim with you for a while if you are going to date her

Paul thinks about this for a while and finally decided that he should make the right decision


Alright, I'll try my best


Shake on it?

Zach moves closer to Paul and sticks out his hand so Paul can shake it


Of course

Paul moves closer to Zach and shakes his hand, we see a close up on the hands shaking


The scene cuts to the same opening as the first shot except this time the characters are in different clothes showing how time has passed, a bit of text is on top of them saying "1 week and a half later". The two characters are doing the same thing they were doing in the opening of the scene


So Kim and I broke up

Zach looks over at Paul then throws himself back on the bed not believing the news that Paul has just told him, a few seconds later he gets up and tries to get some answers on what happened


Why on earth did the two of you break up?


I actually have a good reason this time


OK then, what is it?


Look Kim is actually insane


What are you talking about?


Well, for our first date I let her pick where we should go and she chose the alleyway behind her house, when we were eating she yelled at me because of the food I was eating, when I bought her a flower at one point she sniffed it, yelled "I HATE THIS KIND OF FLOWER" and then threw it out of the window, and when we watched our first film as a couple she kept staring at me the whole time giving me the most evil death stare I've ever seen in my entire life

Zach just stares at Paul in disbelief as half of the things he said sound like something out of a film


Did you make half of that stuff up?


No. Everything I just told you is 100% true


I'm finding it very hard to believe that Kim yelled at you over what you were eating. What were you eating anyway?




Well she was probably one of those extreme vegetarians we always hear about


But she couldn't have been a vegetarian, she was having steak as well


I guess that is a bit weird, but she probably had a good reason


I'm telling you man, she is full on insane



The two of them continue to just sit there, suddenly Paul's phone goes off revealing that he's getting a call from somebody. Paul picks up the phone and sees that it's Kim


Shit! It's Kim. What should I do?


Answer the phone!

Paul answers the phone and starts talking to Kim who we can't hear


Hey Kim...No I'm not busy

The scene cuts to a few minutes later and this is shown through a bit of text that says "2 Minutes Later", Paul is just finishing up his call with Kim


Uh huh...ok...great...I'll see you soon...ok bye

Paul hangs up and turns to Zach who is behind him




I have agreed to go on one more date with Kim


That's good, when is it happening?


In about an hour


Well then I guess you'd better get going, good luck with the date man

Paul gets up and is about to leave but stops at the door, he turns to Zach just as he's opening the door


If I die, it's your fault

Paul then leaves the room leaving Zach to think


It is the same as the opening shot except this time it's just Zach on his own reading "Misery by Stephen King", his phone vibrates and it shows that Zach has gotten a text from Paul. As Zach looks at the message we hear a voiceover of Paul's voice

Paul (In voice forum)

Hey Zach! Just letting you know that everything is sorted out with Kim and that it's all cool, I won't be able to hang out for a while due to "new girlfriend commitments" but I'll be sure to be in touch soon. - Paul

Zach reads the message and replies "Cool man, see you round" before putting his phone down and going back to his book


We see a figure holding Paul's phone in a windowless room, the camera pans and shows Paul tied down in a bed with his mouth tied up. The figure tosses the phone in a drawer and walks out of the room, we see the lights get turned off and the shot turns black ending the scene.

The End
Script Written By Sam Horton (TimeTrainScripts)
Based on the poem "Subtext" by Bo Burnham

Comedy Type: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

The following script is based on the poem "Subtext" by Bo Burnham in the poetry book "Egghead or You Can't Survive on Ideas Alone". The script can be used for both screen and stage, just be sure to message me about any usage of the script so I can give full permission P.S - If you could film your usage of the script that would be awesome, if you can't that's fine but I think it would be cool :)

Copyright Statement



Submitted by benfnjovi on Mon, 05/18/2015 - 17:49
May I use this for a short to put on my youtube channel?
Submitted by TimeTrainScripts (not verified) on Mon, 05/18/2015 - 20:22
You may use my script BenO, be sure to send a link of it to me when it's done :D
Submitted by Hali (not verified) on Wed, 06/03/2015 - 06:56
May I use this script for a video on my YouTube channel?
Submitted by TimeTrainScripts (not verified) on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 16:42
Sure thing Hali Send me a link to the finished product
Submitted by willeb on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 01:55
This is great man :)
Submitted by Cooper (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 09:26
Can I write a screenplay for a class based on this?
Submitted by TimeTrainScripts (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 16:53
Yes you can Cooper
Submitted by Karsten (not verified) on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 11:40
My YouTube crew is considering doing this sketch, with your permission, with a sister channel of ours. With your permission of course?
Submitted by Karsten (not verified) on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 12:25
You can check us out at Springtown Productions, if you wanna see some of the stuff we've done
Submitted by TimeTrainScripts (not verified) on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 13:46
You may use the script Karsten, and your channel looks very interesting. Just be sure to give credit where it is due and it'll be fine. Send me the link when it's done, my channel is TimeTrainFilms
Submitted by Ashley (not verified) on Wed, 10/26/2016 - 03:33
May I use this script (along with a few changes) as a student project?
Submitted by TimeTrainScripts (not verified) on Thu, 10/27/2016 - 14:44
Yes Ashley, just give credit and send a link when finished
Submitted by Alexander Carrasco (not verified) on Thu, 12/08/2016 - 13:55
Hi can I use this script for a spanish project? I'm just making changes to the script but still same concept ( and of course in spanish).
Submitted by Fernandez (not verified) on Sat, 01/28/2017 - 18:09
Actually what's the concept? Why Paul is tied down the bed? Who is that anonymous figure? Why he does so? Can you answer all these questions pls?

Comedy Skits - Subtext