The Fun Date

The Fun Date

(5m)   by comedic_sweetheart

Comedy Skits   (64327 Views 6 Comments)

Are you the next Charles Manson? I asked sitting across the dinner table while on a date.Im use to abusers, users, drug dealers, and thieves. Apparently I can't settle for less and why would I want to? I've already hit the bottom of the barrel. The last loser I dated dumped on me twice for baby mama, and just as I was about finished licking my wounds from the last departure. A third time came around. He was either really smooth like ex lax or I was just the dumb broad. Haven't figured out which yet. Not only did he leave me again for fat sweaty Betty. He made off with everything in the apartment including the food, the bed and my box of tampons.A third time really is a charm. I'm a lot more care free now, so if you are the next Charles Manson, I will gladly let you take me home tonight and stay over so you can have your way with me-that way I can look forward to being dead by morning time. After a mediocre orgasm! I'm leaving heaven for Heaven. A girl must stick to her standards, most likely my headstone will read, here lies a prime example of a sucker born every minute. He looks at me blankly! Yeah I know that stare- the stare I give to a guy these days when turning on the Im allergic to crazy radar. At any moment I'm waiting for him to make a mad dash for the emergency exit. I try to assure him that the number of relationships I have had are a ratio of 3/3 and maybe he will be my night and shinning nightmare on Elm street. Come to think of it, this guy made Freddy Krueger look like Fabio. Just as well it did not work out- I've settled for crazy, but not the kind of crazy that looks crazy! A Unabomber look literally screams dead in 60 seconds. So who on this date is the crazy one! He's not said a word and I'm making stereotypical assumptions about his appearance. Blame the 3/3 ratio on that one! We all learn from nature and being prone to crazies- will make one crazy. I've heard that Johns Hopkins takes patients around the clock. I will see you in about 10 years after my insanity is tamed to 25 percent.

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

Just like everyone else that inhabits these boards I am an aspiring mental patient waiting for her next big day in the white room. Seriously if my comedy bores you to tears- lie to me and tell me you love it. You won't be the first and when that day comes that you will be the last! I promise that I will dance naked in the street for all to see the white shiner from heaven. Because I'm convinced that the cellulite I'm sporting is now the in thing. Forget lipo, who needs lipo? My hippo wrinkles brings the boys to the yard.

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Submitted by landonlloyd13 on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 09:54
Good Job!
Submitted by ammaar (not verified) on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 02:53
this sucks
Submitted by got there own w... (not verified) on Sat, 08/15/2015 - 20:51
total rubbish so not cool
Submitted by as if I'll tell (not verified) on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 00:00
TBH I don't understand it at all AND IT SUCKS.
Submitted by Ruthvika (not verified) on Sat, 02/06/2016 - 02:18
Submitted by Weird Girl Look... (not verified) on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 22:54
wow, this is funny but also very scattered. I couldn't understand anything. I hope you have a nice day!

5m Comedy Skits - The Fun Date