mong me a fish, for a John Dory dish
says i to the old fishmonger
he said no John Dory, but praise to be glory
i have a big whoore of a conger
so a conger i had, did'nt look half bad
in pastry i did it place
eel meal for dinner, is surely a winner
can't wait to see my true loves face
microwave full power, for one quarter hour
should be a taste delight
a good claret i feel, would compliment eel
should be a hell of a night
the meal of my choice, took her by surprise
she chewed and she chewed and she chewed
then from nice and romantic, it turned pure frantic
she spewed and she spewed and she spewed
she was'nt that fetching, puking and retching
on wall, carpet and table
i got to thinking, it must be the drinking
the wine made her unstable
i said its getting late, so finish your plate
of the finest eel en croute
with anchovy ice cream to follow, it'll be gone in a swallow
girl i know you can do it
i again got to think, of the curse of the drink
when again she started to wretch
oh how i despised her, this blond vomit geyser
with each bucket i had to fetch
not getting John Dory,led to a sad story
dam that eel monging clown
for she fell to the floor, did'nt move anymore
had to dump her on some old waste ground