no harm in a fondle when she's half asleep, but you're on thin ice, when the coma is deep
thats creepy creepy creepy creepy
licking cream off a nipple, she'll say well foreplayed, with tripe, onions and colcannon, you might find her dismayed
removing her bra is a lesson in life, it should not involve a stanley knife
being possessive shows you care and it can endear, twenty years in a cellar could be seen as severe
making love to music is good, it can be sublime, it should'nt be Rolf Harris singing nursery rhymes
with dressing up and roleplay, theres fun to be had, dont say you just be yourself love, and I'll be your dad
just cos you think ye have an electricity, does'nt mean cable ties are a necessity
making love in a field of corn is romantic to the core, but in a field of rape its sending mixed metaphors
good grooming will impress, that's a safe bet, but not with her kids on the internet