A Conversation

A Conversation

(Unknown)   by MariaLG

Sitcoms/Stage Plays   (84795 Views 23 Comments)

A Conversation The stage is in darkness.˜After a few seconds we hear sound of a Skype call, not very loud at first, but the volume increases gradually. The light comes on to reveal a young girl sitting with her back to the audience. She is working at a desk which is covered in books and papers and does not pay any attention to the Skype call. Suddenly, she shakes her head as if waking up from a day-dream, and presses the green reply button. The light goes up on Girl 2, who is sitting on a bed on the other side of the stage. Both are looking at their computers.

Girl 1 (wakes up): Hi!

Girl 2: How are you?

Girl 1: Fine, just finished my first essay.

Girl 2: Oh, nice. I went out on a date last night.

Girl 1: It was on the 'The Rime of The Ancient Mariner.'

Girl 2: He told me I had eyes like a white dove.

Girl 1: It?s about a man who shoots an albatross, with a bow.

Girl 2: He told me my hands were as soft as silk.

Girl 1: I wonder what mark I?ll get?

Girl 2: When he looked me in the eyes...

Girl 1: Now I?ll have start working on the next one.

Girl 2: He even showed me his biceps.


Girl 1: I?m so happy.

Girl 2: He told me that I have the beauty of Kim Kardashian.

Girl 1: I have no idea what to write in the next one, though.

Girl 2: He told me his name was Wilfred Wood.

Girl 1: I even handed it in two days before the deadline.

Girl 2: And when he invited me in...He even let me meet his cat.

Girl 1: I will have to work like crazy this year.


Girl 2: She?s called Satan. The cat.

Girl 1: Who in world would call their cat Satan? You should see my desk; it?s covered

filled with stuff.


Girl 2: She even called me mummy.

Girl 1: Keats, Jane Austen?. I?m not looking forward to the exams.

Girl 2: And when he took me home, he sang ?Kissed by A Rose.?

Girl 1: What if I should fail?

Girl 2: And oh my, the way he kissed.

Girl 1: My tutor hates me.

Girl 2: His tongue was like a storm crashing towards the great white cliffs of Dover.

Pause. Both sigh.

Girl 1: Well, I should be getting on with my work.

Girl 2: I have another date tonight with Wilfred.

Girl 1: I have to be up for a 9 o'clock lecture tomorrow.

Girl 2: I think that he will propose to me. Tonight.

Girl 1: I must get plenty of sleep.

Girl 2: He will propose to me tonight!

Girl 1: I haven?t slept for days.

Girl 2: The diamond will probably be 50 carats.

Girl 1: You haven?t congratulated me.


Girl 2: Satan will be the bridesmaid, of course.

Girl 1: I deserve a treat.


Girl 1: Hang on, someone else is calling me.

Girl 2: We?ll probably get married in the cathedral.

Girl 1: I've accepted his call.

Girl 2: My dress will be amazing.

Girl 1: He has a weird skype name.

Girl 2: Wilfred insisted that I should drink the most expensive champagne last night.

Girl 1: He just asked me out. Wow.

Girl 2: He even paid the waiter money to serenade me.

Girl 1: I?m going!

Girl 2: No one is as lush as Wilfred.

Girl 1: He wants me to meet him at half past eight. By the bus shelter.

Girl 2: Wilfred drives his own bus.

Girl 1: He will be picking me up in his father?s limousine, he says.

Girl 2: Wilfred?s dad owns two limousines.

Girl 1: He really does have beautiful, silky hair.

Girl 2: Wilfred has silkier hair.

Girl 1: His eyes are a perfect shade of blue.

Girl 2: Wilfred?s eyes are bluer.


Girl 1: I should choose my outfit for tonight.

Girl 2: My outfit is going to be bright pink.

Girl 1: He probably will kiss me like a storm crashing towards the six o'clock train at Birmingham international station.

Girl 2: I?ll just text Wilfred and ask him where we should meet.

Girl 1: Maybe he?s the one.

Girl 2: Oh, Wilfred says he can?t go out with me tonight after all.

Girl 1: I wonder If I should use my Miss Dior perfume?

Girl 2: I?ll text him back and ask him why he can?t come!

Girl 1: I don?t want to look like Lady Gaga meets Pat Evans from Eastenders.

Girl 2: He says he just can?t...

Girl 1: I must make sure that my makeup is perfect and not a hair out of place.

Girl 2: He just said: No!

Girl 1: I have to look slutty yet classy tonight.

Girl 2: Wilfred doesn?t love me any more.

Girl 1: Maybe I should wear the black dress?

Girl 2: I will not be getting married in the cathedral.

Girl 1: He just asked me if I wanted to go to the St Pierre Restaurant.

Girl 2: No more dates at Yokos.

Girl 1: Oh wait, what about my essay?

Girl 2: Why can?t Wilfred love me, as I love him!

Girl 1: I mean I shouldn?t be going out, I should be working.

Girl 2: I?ll be alone for the rest of my life!

Girl 1: But maybe he can make me happy?

Girl 2: I?ll be living alone in a flat over the fish and chip shop with twenty-three guinea pigs.

Girl 1: What should I do?

Girl 2: I?ll never meet anyone like Wilfred!


Girl 1: Screw that stupid essay; I?m going to tart myself up.

Girl 2: I bet he has dumped me for someone else.

Girl 1: Wilfred is such a lovely name?

Girl 2: What?

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Copyright Statement



Submitted by Lavani (not verified) on Fri, 05/30/2014 - 09:31
May I please use this for my project.
Submitted by MariaLG on Fri, 05/30/2014 - 20:39
What kind of project is it, please? Where are you from?
Submitted by shavrab on Wed, 07/09/2014 - 08:29
i am student from India may i use this for my video project.
Submitted by TDimageworks on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 10:14
hey can i use this script to make a video
Submitted by Rina Oliva (not verified) on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 19:35
Ello! I read this script and burst out laughing. Wonderful, wonderful work. I love this, and I would like to use it for a Drama Debata and Forensics meet in Anchorage, Alaska the weekend after next.
Submitted by MariaLG on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 20:34
Hi Rina, Thank you so much! Of course you can use my sketch, as long as you promise to credit me.
Submitted by Mohamed (not verified) on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 02:49
Can I use this for my project, if I copy it I will probably be sued or something
Submitted by TriPictureFilm on Fri, 01/16/2015 - 07:01
Submitted by MariaLG on Sun, 01/18/2015 - 06:53
Hi Anthony, Could you please tell me a bit more about the project before I say yes or no. Maria
Submitted by Lizzie (not verified) on Sat, 03/21/2015 - 14:43
Can I use this I will give credit
Submitted by Marie (not verified) on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 02:46
I was wondering if my friend and I could use this as a script for a YouTube video. The characters would be eggs and girl 1 would be a boy. We would credit you 100% for your script
Submitted by Marie (not verified) on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 09:53
Oh, also girl 2 would be black. We sort of like to take things over the top.
Submitted by KittyT on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 11:40
Can I use this for a project?
Submitted by KittyT on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 11:41
I would need the rights how much is it?
Submitted by ore (not verified) on Sat, 10/24/2015 - 03:35
can I please use this for my drama project/piece and I promise that I will give you credit
Submitted by destiny (not verified) on Fri, 03/04/2016 - 01:49
can I use your script for a duet acting skit?
Submitted by Navaneeth (not verified) on Mon, 07/04/2016 - 01:51
Can i use this for a mono act in my school? i could do this for a 5 min act. pls reply before friday...........i will give you credit for this. even if you say no,i will use this because its superb............
Submitted by Jacklyn (not verified) on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 11:09
Is this from a play or a free standing script?
Submitted by nana (not verified) on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 05:08
maria want to contact you personally can i have you number so that we talk more on your script.
Submitted by john lester (not verified) on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 11:59
can i use your script MR. AUTHOR for our project?
Submitted by Mariha daberkow (not verified) on Sun, 01/15/2017 - 05:33
Can i please youse this for my schools fine arts festival you would get full credit of course!
Submitted by miloshko (not verified) on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 21:48
How much is price for this screenplay
Submitted by debbiebrandauer... on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:37
Hello, we are a small community theater and as you know the quarantine has closed theater doors so we are looking at creative ways to keep our audiences engaged. We are recording 10 minute play readings using Zoom (as per social distancing dictates) and we are posting them on Facebook. We wondering what we need to do to obtain permission to use some of the plays on your site. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Unknown Sitcoms/Stage Plays - A Conversation