Mr. Jameson

Mr. Jameson

(30-60m)   by joines

Sitcoms/Stage Plays   (5104 Views 0 Comments)

Mr.  Jameson  pt. 2


[Wilson High School…………Principal Adams' office………]

Mr. Adams:  I guess it's obvious what we need to talk about.

Mr. Jameson:  Look……..You have every right in the world to be mad at me…….I know that my behavior has been a terrible representation of Wilson High and a terrible example to set for our students.

Mr. Adams:  Mr. Jameson……..John……..How long have I  known you?

Mr. Jameson:  Well………I don't know………Maybe ten years?

Mr. Adams:   Ten years……….That sounds about right.

[Mr. Adams puts hand to his chin as if he is in deep thought………]

Mr. Adams:  Why shouldn't I fire you right now?

Mr. Jameson:  Hey……It would be totally understandable if you did……I deserve it.  But you know something……….These kids……..These kids here at Wilson High…….They  need to see that someone can fall down…..You know…make a mistake….and get back up and put their best foot forward again.   That's what I want these kids to see……..I want to inspire these kids……..Inspire them Sam.

Mr. Adams:   It's not just the driving ticket Mr. Jameson.

Mr. Jameson:  Oh?

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Comedy Scene:
5 Person
Script Length: Post date: Script Market:
Permission for use:
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5 Person 30-60m Sitcoms/Stage Plays - Mr. Jameson