(Unknown)   by joines

Sitcoms/Stage Plays   (3241 Views 0 Comments)

Mrs. Davis:   Okay class……..please open up your books and turn to page 123….

Cindy:  Pssssssst!  Pssssst!

Karmen:  Me?

Cindy:  Psssst!

Karmen:  Me………..Are you talking to me?

Cindy:  Hey……………….Are you new?

Karmen:  Yes………….I just moved here.

Cindy:   My name is Cindy.

Karmen:  Hi……… I’m Karmen.

Cindy:  Hey Karmen…………I love that name!

Karmen:   Oh…..thank you!

Cindy:  Where are you from Karmen?

Karmen:  Out West.

Cindy:  Oh.

Mrs. Davis:  Everyone should have their books open…….let’s go!

Cindy:  I’m having a party this weekend…… can come…you know….if you want.

Karmen:  Oh thanks…..that’s very nice of you. When is it?

Cindy:  Saturday night. I can text you my address if…..

Karmen:  Oh….that’s okay…..I won’t be able to make it Saturday.

Cindy:  Okay……I understand…..I’m sure you have a lot of unpacking and what not to do.

Karmen:  Not really…….I don’t have many personal possessions.


Karmen:  You see………

[Karmen quickly looks around and whispers…..]

Karmen:   I’m a Wiccan and we……..

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Comedy Scene:
3 Person
Script Length: Post date:

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3 Person Unknown Sitcoms/Stage Plays - SG