Title: Station E-comedy/drama
It is the final stop for the recently departed before they go on to where they will spend the rest of eternity.
Between Hell and Heaven there is a waiting area to determine where you will end up for the rest of eternity. As people sit waiting for their names to be called they often tell their stories to others in hopes of redemption. Lazarus is the manager of heaven?s reception area and frequently finds and creates humor in the station. This is a story of the interaction between the representatives of heaven and hell and their reflection of their past and prospects for the future.
This story uses many famous people through-out history that way the viewer has knowledge of how they lived their lives. Each day brings a different and unique story from one of the people awaiting their name to be called. Sometimes it is heart wrenching and other times it is humorist, but it is always entertaining. While it is a desire for those working for hell to cross over it is impossible, but that doesn?t stop them from trying.